Motorcycle Accidents
Texas is an enormous state with seemingly endless miles of road and beautiful scenery. What could be better for motorcycle riding? Unfortunately, the freedom that comes on two wheels also comes with a price. Careless and negligent drivers are no safer because you are riding a motorcycle and significantly more vulnerable. Instead, a beautiful ride can turn ugly when an inattentive driver causes a motorcycle accident. Motorcycle accidents often involve a combination of inattentive motorists and the fact that motorcycles are usually smaller than other vehicles on the road. And, they are likely to result in major injuries such as head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and sometimes death.
In 2008 there were 5,290 fatalities resulting from motorcycle accidents in the United States. Over 96,000 people were injured in motorcycle crashes during that same time period. 41% of those who died were not wearing a helmet. According to 2007 statistics, motorcyclists were about 37 times more likely than automobile occupants to die in a motor vehicle crash when you factor in the death rate per number of miles travelled. Motorcyclists were 9 times more likely to be injured in a crash than a passenger car occupant.
The fun and freedom that comes with riding a motorcycle is unfortunately coupled with a real risk from other drivers on the road. When you’re injured because someone else made a mistake, law allows you to recover the damages that you suffer. And those damages can include more than just your medical bills and the cost to fix your motorcycle. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, please consider calling a motorcycle injury lawyer immediately. There are important time limits that make acting quickly important. Obviously, I hope you’ll call the motorcycle injury lawyers at our firm, but whoever you choose I wish you a speedy and full recovery.